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100 PageSpeed Insights
100 PageSpeed Insights

Top notch security

The vast majority of e-shops are built on off-the-shelf software platforms (Wordpress, Shopify etc.), and tend to rely heavily on popular Javascript libraries. This fact has important security implications. For example, a path exists for hackers to kill lots of birds with one stone.
Our website was programmed from the bottom up, with virtually no reliance on shared scripts. We therefore have far better control over every aspect of online security.
If your browser was running TLS 1.1, a cryptographic protocol no longer considered secure, you would have had access to many popular websites, but not to ours. Better security often involves significant trade-offs. We readily accept them.
Can a quick test really verify that a website is secure? Unfortunately, no. Still, it can offer valuable clues as to whether online security is taken seriously at all. For us at MintFirsts, it is always a top priority.
•  Security Headers test by Scott Helme  (instantaneous)
• website test  (takes a couple of minutes)
Don't just take our word for it: pick any one of your favourite book websites and compare test results!

Respect for your privacy

Security is the main prerequisite for privacy. Snoopers simply adore insecure internet connections! There is more to privacy, however, in an era when online user data is bought and sold like any other commodity.
An e-shop cannot promise total anonymity. User data must be collected for preventing illegal activities, as well as for the processing of transactions. We believe that user data should only serve essential purposes. Tracking you for profit will never be one of them.
•  Blacklight test by The Markup  (takes a few seconds)

Fast (and easy on bandwidth)

The speed limit imposed by slow websites as we drive fast hardware along broadband highways is shocking. Especially in cases where downloading oodles of data for endless bloated pages does not come free of charge.
Our online bookstore is lean and draws on the latest web technology. A single GB will give you enough browsing mileage to explore thousands of pages!
•  PageSpeed Insights test by Google  (takes a few seconds)